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Fekom M, Nguyen-Thanh V ,Andler R ,Quatremere G, Guignard R, Melchior M. Effect of Tobacco Cessation Aids on Smoking Cessation and Duration of Abstinence : a French Population-Based Study 30th European Congress of Psychiatry, Budapest, 03-07 June 2022.

Dumas A, Vaz Luis I, Bovagnet T, Pinto S, Charles C, Dauchy S, El Mouhebb M, Coutant C, Cottu P, Lesur A, Vanlemmens L, Levy C, Arveux P, André F, Di Meglio A, Menvielle G. Return to work after breast cancer: the role of working conditions Survivorship 2021, 5th National cancer survivorship conference (Virtual Conference), Australia, 18-19 March 2021.

Ruiz de Azua G, Vaz Luis I, Bovagnet T, Di Meglio A, Havas J, Caumette E, Martin E, Pistilli B, Coutant C, Cottu P, Rouanet P, Arnaud A, Arsene O, Ibrahim M, Wassermann J, Rouzier R, Martin A, Everhard S, Dumas A, Menvielle G. Breast cancer and perceived discrimination in the workplace: a longitudinal cohort study Survivorship 2021, 5th National cancer survivorship conference (Virtual Conference), Australia, 18-19 March 2021.

Di Meglio A and Menvielle G. Assessing the risk of severe post-treatment (tx) cancer-related fatigue (CRF) among breast cancer survivors (BCS) in the CANcer TOxicity (CANTO) cohort Annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Virtual meeting, june 4-8 2021.

Brown C, Vaz Luis I, Di Meglio A, Pinto S, Havas J, Bovagnet T, El Mouhebb M, Arveux P, André F, Amiel P, Menvielle G, Dumas A. Access to loans after breast cancer Survivorship 2021, 5th National cancer survivorship conference (Virtual Conference), Australia, 18-19 March 2021.

Vignier N, Delaunay M, Bouffard AS, Corde E, Penka M, Cordier H, Duffo C, Ruellan M, Cordel H, Bottero J, Bouchaud O, Krastinova E. . Vulnérabilité sexuelle et place de la PrEP pour les migrants primo-arrivants en situation de précarité reçus dans une consultation de prévention à orientation santé sexuelle AFRAVIH, Dakar, 2020.

Vignier N, Cordel H, Tantet C, Bottero J, Krastinova E, Mosnier E, Lucarelli A, Stempak T, Penot P, Huber F, Billaud E, Simon A, et la commission migrant de la SFLS . Prévention en santé sexuelle pour les migrants primo-arrivants en France AFRAVIH, Dakar, 2020.

Derche N, Calin R, Massari V, Pialoux P, Reydellet N, Plenel E, Chauvin C, Jauffret-Roustide M, Day N, Kreplack G, Maresca A, Louis S, Pol S, Doré V,, Rouzioux C, Chauvin P. Offer of a triple rapid HIV/HBV/HCV testing to three exposed populations, including MSM, in distinct community-healthcare centres in Paris Area (ANRS-SHS-154-CUBE study) 23rd International AIDS Conference , Virtual, 6-10 July 2020.

Kpossou K, Constant AV, Cailhol J, Julia C, Bihan H, Bouchaud O, Abgrall S, Vignier N. . Facteurs associés à l’obésité abdominale chez les personnes vivant avec le VIH originaires d’Afrique et des Caraïbes. Étude Activih AFRAVIH, Dakar, 2020.

Luan L, Charlois C, Leroy H, Bottero J, Cordel H, Dimi S, Figoni J, Lachatre M, Lefebvre M, Rouyer C, Méchaï F, Mechain M, Vignier N. Tuberculosis screening among migrants, a study of physicians’ practices in France ECCMID, Amsterdam, 2019.

Sutter-Dallay A-L, Balès M, Pambrun E, Glangeaud-Freudenthal N, Van der Waerden J, Melchior M, Falissard B, Verdoux H. The role of infant factors in the genesis of maternal depression. The ELFE cohort study 19th WPA World Congress of Psychiatry, Lisbon, 21-24 aout 2019.

Sassenou J, Rigal L, Ringa V, Menvielle G, Zins M. Surdépistage du frottis-cervico-utérin, données de la cohorte Constances CMGF 2019, Paris, 4-6 avril 2019.

Van der Waerden, J, Melchior M, Galéra C. Stability and change in behavior problems across early and middle childhood: contributions of maternal depression WPA World Congress of Psychiatry, Lisbon, August 2019.

Nakamura A, Melchior M, van der Waerden J. Social inequalities of maternal postpartum depression: the role of social support during pregnancy. Date from the ELFE cohort study 8th World Congress of the International Association for Women's Mental Health, Paris, 5-8 mars 2019.

Luan L, Charlois C, Leroy H, Cordel H, Figoni J, Méchaï F, Lachatre M, Mechain M, Vignier N. Screening for tuberculosis among newly arrived migrants in France. Results from a practice study 12th EUPHA, Marseille, 2019.

Di Meglio A, Menvielle G, Dumas A, Gbenou A, Bovagnet T, Martin E, Ferreira A, Vanlemmens L, Arsene O, Ibrahim M, Wassermann J, Martin A, Lemonnier J, Del Mastro L, Jones L, Partridge A, Ligibel J, André F, Michiels S, Vaz Luis I . Impact of overweight, obesity and post-treatment weight changes on occupational reintegration of breast cancer (BC) survivors Annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Chicago, USA, May 31-June 4 2019.

Nakamura A, Van der Waerden J, Melchior M. Identifying risk factors for paternal depression in the perinatal period: Data from the ELFE cohort study 27th European Congress of Psychiatry, Varsovie, 2019.

van der Waerden JEB, Nakamura A, , Pryor L, Charles MA , El-Khoury F, Dargent-Molina P. Domain-specific physical activity and sedentary behavior during pregnancy and postpartum depression risk in the French EDEN and ELFE cohorts 8th World Congress on Women’s Mental Health, Paris, March 2019.

Vignier N, Moussaoui S, Aurousseau A, Nappez S, Cornagliola J, Delobre G, Blanchi S, Bouchaud O, Launay O, Mechain M et le groupe Vaccination Prévention de la SPILF . Catch-up vaccination practices of French physicians for migrants arriving in France ECCMID, Amsterdam, 2019.

Briot K, Grange L, Corter B, Feron JM, Coulomb A, Chauvin P, Alliot-Launois F, Sellami R, Touboul C, Vincent B, Joubert JM, Launois R. Care trajectories of subjects with fragility fracture in France – the EPIFRACT study 8th FFN Global Congress 2019, Oxford, UK, 28-30 August 2019.

Vignier N . Accès aux soins des migrants. Concept et evidence 12th European Public Health Conference, Marseille, 2019.

Dumas A, Vaz Luis I, Bovagnet T, Pinto S, Charles C, Dauchy S, El Mouhebb M, Coutant C, Cottu P, Lesur A, Lerebours F, Tredan O, Vanlemmens L, Levy C, Lemonnier J, Mesleard C, Arveux P, Di Meglio A, FAndré F, Menvielle G . ) Return to work after breast cancer: comprehensive longitudinal analyses of its determinants Annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Chicago, USA, May 31-June 4 2019.

El-Khoury F, Melchior M,. Women’s mental health in the perinatal period according to migrant status: the French nationally representative ELFE birth cohort study 1st World congress on migration, ethnicity, race and health, Edinburg,, 2018.

Gomajee R, El-Khoury F, M. Côté S, van der Waerden J, Pryor L, Melchior M, the EDEN mother-child cohort study group. Types of early childcare and childhood behavioural and emotional difficulties: The EDEN mother-child cohort. Conférence LHRS, Paris, 30 Mai - 01 Juin 2018.

Van Der Waerden JEB, Galéra C, Sutter-Dallay AL, Melchior M. Stability and change in behavioral and emotional problems across early childhood Life History Research Meeting,, ., Paris, Mai 2018.

Nakamura A, Melchior M, El-Khoury F. Situation socioéconomique maternelle et petit poids de naissance : l’effet médiateur du tabagisme maternel pendant la grossesse. Analyse des données de la cohorte ELFE. Colloque "Santé : équité ou égalité ? Définir, mesurer, agir", Toulouse, 23-25 mai 2018.

Maria Melchior. Santé mentale des personnes immigrées en situation socioéconomique très précaire : l’étude Enfams Congrès Français de Psychiatrie, Nantes, 29/11-1/12 2018.

Vignier N, Gosselin A, Dray-Spira R, Pannetier J, Ravalihasy A, Lert F, Lydié N, Bouchaud O, Desgrées du Loup A, Chauvin P . Recours au titre de séjour pour raison de santé des immigrés originiares d'Afrique subsaharienne vivant en Ile-de-France en fonction de leur statut vis à vis du VIH et de l'hépatite B. AFRAVIH 2018, Bordeaux, 4-7 avril 2018.

Vignier N. Migration, travel, risks associated with pandemics and newly emerging infections 1st International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine conference, Roma, 2018.

Lhuissier A, Giacoman C, Ferrant C, Devilat D, Ayala P, Torres G, Chauvin P. Meals synchronization. A cross-cultural comparison of eating times in Santiago (Chile) and Paris (France). III Spanish Congress of Sociology of Food, Gijón, ,27-28 September 2018.

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